Forum Donations 2024/2025
on October 25, 2024, 09:29:59 am
HI Guys The funds from the last donation effort ran out in July. The hosting cost are €22 a month. Ive created a goFundMe as the paypal pools only last one month. again for your support
Re: Edition 30 powered by RBS
Last Poster: RBS in Members Rides on Today at 07:59:38 pm
Sucked the old brake fluid out and filled it up with new fluid. Bled the whole system and brake pedal feels nice and hard👍🏻
Tomorrow it’s suspension setup😅…
Dogbone Mount broken
Last Poster: yusufq32 in Mk5 General Area on Today at 07:28:54 pm
Broken my dogbone mount. Got the pendulum one aswell. Pushed it first gear quite hard it snapped off. Would it just be straight replacement or does it look like I’ve damaged anything else.
Need Advice on MKv GTI intermittent cooling issue
Last Poster: elie.chahine in Mk5 General Area on Today at 03:17:48 pm
Hello, So i have a VW golf GTI 2007, with AC issues. Symptoms:
-the AC stops blowing cold air suddenly. Sometimes it fixes it self, sometimes i restart the car and it works, sometimes it stays like this for a few days then it works What my mechanic have checked and tried:
- Low pressure sensor code, so i changed the pressure sensor (the one th
Mk V golf gti clutch issue
Last Poster: Scott1990gti in Mk5 General Area on Today at 01:59:28 pm
Hello all, new to this; so hoping it gets seen and responded to by someone who can help!
So, I recently bought a nbsp Mk V golf GTI and I'#039ve noticed the clutch pedal returns slowly. nbsp I'#039ve had the system bled through, multiple times by a friend and by the VW Dealers. nbsp Also, had the master cylinder replaced by VW; which has not solved the issue.
Seems that whe
First time GTi buyer
Last Poster: jimboq in Mk5 General Area on Yesterday at 12:08:59 pm
 Hello all, this is my first post, so I hope I'#039m in the correct part of the forum... Apologies if not, I'#039ll learn. I'#039d like to ask you experts a not so simple question please. I'#039m looking to buy a stage 1 mapped Mk 5 GTI in the coming months, year probably around 2008 ish, hopefully relatively low mileage. My question is in two parts. (
Re: Cold start issues - LPFP, HPFP, Injectors replacement - Results
Last Poster: dennis10 in Mk5 General Area on March 24, 2025, 05:11:08 pm
I mean the vacuum pump seals - seems to have done the trick for me. nbsp I think it is a pretty sensitive engine with regards vacuum etc.
I actually tried to check and replace the 3 plastic o'#039rings on the VVT housing myself on the weekend because I have an ongoing slight idle misfire. nbsp I also needed to replace the cam cover gasket too - Annoyingly I didn'#039t get the whole
Re: New member edition 30 questions
Last Poster: Ryan Edition 30 in Mk5 General Area on March 24, 2025, 08:39:53 am
Thanks again mate I have the same amount was just incase it would take more due to removing the sump thanks again mate used fuel cleaner in the car over the weekend and touch wood no hesitations as yet
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Re: Edition 30 xenons
Last Poster: Mk5ed301222 in Mk5 General Area on March 22, 2025, 06:41:34 pm
If you ever have to do this again you can access the lower T25 screw by pulling out the headlight washer. There’s a hole that allows direct access to it, add a long extension to your T25 and your able to get directly too it, can take the headlight out in a few mins, just don’t drop the screw :(
Parasitic battery drain
Last Poster: hcmzah in Mk5 General Area on March 22, 2025, 05:12:34 pm
Hi all,
Struggling with this battery drain I have. Car is drawing 150mA when off. If I pull out F48/SB48 from the engine bay it drops to around 20mA. The fuse is for the Vehicle electrical system control module (j519). It seems like this controls a lot of things.
I'#039ve done a scan with VCDS and I do have a code for the passenger rear door control module -
MK5 carplay
Last Poster: petert in Mk5 General Area on March 22, 2025, 07:14:10 am
Morning, I have just bought a MK5. Does anyone recommend / advise what is the best part to get for installing car play? seen a few options so was hoping to get first hand experience? Thanks
Re: Nimal's Shadow blue gti
Last Poster: madnemo in Members Rides on March 20, 2025, 09:50:40 pm
Good thread. Can I ask what the spec is for the wing mirror switch and window switch replacements - ie, what Mk golf are they from? I'#039ve done the same as you with the headlight switch and upgraded it to a newer version with the chrome on.
I'#039m not sure what Mk golf they came f
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